0:58 | Before we get started... |
1:46 | The Box |
2:21 | Unboxing |
3:16 | A closer look |
5:37 | How's the fit and feel? |
7:04 | The setup |
8:06 | Demo |
9:24 | Another track |
10:15 | Demo |
11:20 | Mic Test |
12:39 | Feedback on microphone quality |
13:18 | Testing it with professional DJ equipment |
17:02 | Final Thoughts |
17:39 | Don't forget to subscribe ;) |
In today's episode, we're taking a look at the OneOdio Pro-50 Studio Headphones. These are very professional sounding headphones that DJs can use or anybody else who listens to a lot of music. If you make music, you can use these to get good-sounding audio.
Before we get started with the Tech Reviews and Gadgets episode, please make sure to subscribe and turn post notifications on to get updates and alerts when we do upload. If you have questions or concerns, leave a comment here. Enjoy the video, leave a like, and also share this video with anybody who may be interested in the OneOdio Pro-50 Studio Headphones. Lastly, product information, specifications, and details will be available here for those who are interested in getting more of the technical stuff. Let's move over to the unboxing portion of this video.
The overall presentation and packaging are very sophisticated. There are a few specifications and details listed on the box. On the top of the box, it just says Studio Pro, Born for DJ, Hi-Res Audio, and an image of the headphones. This is the model Pro-50. On the backside, there's a list of specifications and product details.
With Hi-Res audio verification, Studio Pro-50 is an over-ear DJ headphone that has dynamic bass sound. The 50mm neodymium driver reproduces all the music's dynamics and delivers the controlled bass that DJs and audiophiles need.
We are greeted with a drawstring bag, and this bag contains our OneOdio Pro-50 Studio Headphones. Let's take a look at all the other contents. We have a massive user manual. What I like about it is that since it's printed big, all the text is easy to read and understand. Inside a bag, we also get some cables, and these cables allow you to do different functionalities. We have a 6.35mm to 3.5mm audio jack, and it comes in a coil design. We also get a standard 3.5mm to 3.5mm audio jack cable, but with this one, you also get a microphone. You can use this for Zoom conferences, meetings, playing games, talking to people, or even just using the phone with this pair of headphones.
Let's take a look at the drawstring bag. Right off the bat, the OneOdio Pro-50 Studio Headphones look really nice. Overall, so far, my impression of this pair of headphones is very pleasant. They went with a two-tone color accent. Parts of it are in black. We got red, and we also got some silver on the outside, which is very interesting. We have OneOdio printed on the top of the headband, and there is some leather padding and cushioning on the headband as well. There is a little bit of flexing with these headphones, but it's not too much. Still, be careful when you're using these headphones. Overall, you shouldn't have to worry about durability. You can easily extend and retract these headphones to your desired length, so if you have a bigger head, you can easily expand it to fit your head.
It's the same thing with the other side. You can easily retract and extend it. You do get your left and right indications inside the earmuff for easy identification, so L is for left and R is for right. OneOdio's emblem is also printed on the earpiece. It's really subtle, which is really nice because some headphones on the market put a lot of their branding on their product, and it just doesn't look pleasant. The padding is really comfortable. I can even say that it has a memory foam-like material because when I push down on it, it goes back in place. We're going to test this out, put it on top of my head, and see if my ears can rest comfortably with these headphones and how they perform. We have a 6.35mm audio jack on one side, and then we have a 3.5mm audio jack on the other side to plug in a 3.5mm audio cable. Let's proceed to the testing and demonstration portion of this video where we test out the OneOdio Pro-50 Studio Headphones.
Before we start testing out the OneOdio Pro-50 Studio Headphones with some music, let's see how they fit. It looks like I need to flip it around and stretch it out a little bit. My ears fit inside, which is good because when you have headphones where the ear muffs sit on top of your ears over a long period of time, that can really get uncomfortable. My first impression of these headphones is that it's very comfortable. You're going to get a very relaxed feel, and you're not even going to notice that the headphones are on top of your head because of how comfortable they feel, which is good. They are very light. They're not heavy.
With Hi-Res audio verification, Studio Pro-50 is an over-ear DJ headphone that has dynamic bass sound. The 50mm neodymium driver reproduces all the music's dynamics and delivers the controlled bass that DJs and audiophiles need.
I can have this on my head for a long period of time before even realizing I have headphones on, so that's good to see. When I shake around, these headphones are not coming off, which is also good. There is a little bit of noise cancellation with these headphones. I don't hear a lot of the background noise, but do keep in mind, I do hear a little bit of it. It doesn't cancel out the noise completely, so it does have a little bit of background noise. If you're using this in public, you should be able to limit all that background activity that you would normally hear. Overall, it's not bad. Let's get the audio cable connected to the OneOdio Pro-50 Studio Headphones and test this out with some music.
I've got my 6.35mm audio jack cable plugged into the OneOdio Pro-50 Studio Headphones. Now, I need to use a dongle with my phone. I'm going to connect the cable to my dongle and connect the dongle to my phone. These headphones should be connected to my phone now. Let's put the headphones back on my head, making sure we have the right side on based on the indicators. Let's test this out with a song. I'm going to click on the play button and increase the volume.
Hear what it's like from 8:56 to 9:12.
This song that's playing is a little jumpy. There's a lot of stuff going on with this song. I think it's a good song to test out the OneOdio Pro-50 Studio Headphones with. The sound quality has been really good so far. It got me jumping, so that's usually a good thing, right? The bass is good. The sound is loud and direct. These headphones are very comfortable. I'm going to give you guys a sample, so you guys can hear how they sound is with these headphones. It's very nice. I'm really impressed. Let's find a different song to listen to.
I have a new song pulled up. Why don't we test it out with this song now? And this song is more of like a hip hop song, so there's going to be a lot of bass with this song. I just want to see if these headphones will do a good job of emphasizing all the characteristics of the song or do a good job of emphasizing just solely on the bass. I just want to see how this song plays out. It's playing now, and the sound quality is still really good. The beat is about to drop. The bass is really strong with the OneOdio Pro-50 Studio Headphones.
Hear what it's like from 10:44 to 11:10.
Once the beat drops again, I'll give you guys a sound sample. The sound on these headphones is immaculate. It's just doing a really good job. It's really loud and direct. It sounds really good. It doesn't sound distorted at all. It's just a good pair of headphones. I do believe these come with 50mm audio drivers on each side, so that's also contributing to the good audio. All right, let me give you guys it sounds to sample. This is doing a fantastic job. Just listen to how strong the bass is. It's not bad at all. I think you guys get the point. The OneOdio Pro-50 Studio Headphones are fantastic.
With Hi-Res audio verification, Studio Pro-50 is an over-ear DJ headphone that has dynamic bass sound. The 50mm neodymium driver reproduces all the music's dynamics and delivers the controlled bass that DJs and audiophiles need.
Listen to the mic test from 11:49 to 12:38.
Let's test out the microphone and see how good it picks up my voice. Plugin one end into the OneOdio Pro-50 Studio Headphones and then plug in the other end to your phone or whatever device you're using to listen to audio or record your audio. I'm going to plug this into my phone now. Once I click on a button, it's going to start recording. Right now, the built-in microphone is capturing my voice. What does it sound like? Right now, it's very close to my mouth. How does it sound? Is it distorted or loud? Is it direct? Is it capturing a lot of the background noise, or is it doing a good job of removing all that background noise that you don't want to pick up on?
Let's say I wasn't holding it up, so if I was using this for a conference call, Zoom call, or if I was playing games, obviously I'm not going to be holding on to the microphone, so it's going to be on my side right here. How does it sound? Is it loud and direct without me having to speak into the microphone, or is it a little bit too quiet? I think it's doing a fantastic job. I'm going to have to go back and listen to this audio just to see how it performs. I'm now going to end the recording and let you guys know what I think about the audio that I just captured on the OneOdio Pro-50 Studio Headphones.
I just listened to the audio that I captured, and let me just tell you guys, these headphones did a fantastic job. I was able to hear my voice. It looks like it was rubbing against my shoulders. That's why we're hearing that crackling noise, but overall, it was doing a fantastic job of capturing my voice. If you want to use this for gaming purposes, talking to people on the phone, or making conference calls, this microphone will do a fantastic job, especially if you use the cable that has the microphone built into it. Let's test out the OneOdio Pro-50 Studio Headphones with professional DJ equipment.
I'm going to give you guys a quick demonstration of the OneOdio Pro-50 Studio Headphones with professional DJ equipment. I'll put these headphones on and get some music in the background, so I can explain to you guys the benefits of using headphones whenever you're DJing or doing anything where there's a live audience. The benefit of having headphones on is I can listen to a completely different song that the audience wouldn't hear. With the DJ control, I can set cue points, which allows me to listen to another song, a completely different song on a completely different track. That's the main benefit of using headphones when you're DJing and stuff.
Listen to it from 15:22 to 15:26.
Right now, I'm listening to a completely different song. I'm going to make a mix and blend in these two songs. I will slowly transition to the next song. I'm already mixing it into the next song. The headphones are able to give me some help by letting me hear how the music is sounding before the audience hears it. I'm trying to blend the music in. The blend is perfect because the OneOdio Pro-50 Studio Headphones are helping me out. I will give you guys a sound sample if you want to hear what the headphones are capturing. It's very loud, and I don't even have it at the maximum volume. It doesn't sound distorted. What I also like about these headphones is the 180-degree swivel cups.
With Hi-Res audio verification, Studio Pro-50 is an over-ear DJ headphone that has dynamic bass sound. The 50mm neodymium driver reproduces all the music's dynamics and delivers the controlled bass that DJs and audiophiles need.
If I wanted to, I don't need to take the OneOdio Pro-50 Studio Headphones off. I can easily rotate them so that they rest easily on my chest, and then these will stay on my chest securely. That's also another benefit that these headphones have compared to a lot of traditional headphones on the market because now, I can easily rotate them back, and I'm back in business. I can have one ear in, one ear out. There are a lot of different ways that can use headphones, and they sound really great. If you want to use this professionally with DJ equipment, you do have the ability. It's not bad. It sounds great. I can easily use this in a loud setting with no distortion. I didn't really hear any distortion. The quality was really decent. Let's conclude this little demonstration and move over to the final opinions and remarks to end this video.
Here are my final opinions and remarks about the OneOdio Pro-50 Studio Headphones. These headphones did a fantastic job. The bass was there. The highs, the mids, and lows were there, and the sound just sounded great. There was a little bit of sound isolation and noise-canceling with these headphones, but as I mentioned, it is not extremely strong. These headphones weren't designed for dedicated noise-canceling, but even so, with the padding and the cushion that they use, like the material for the padding, you still get a little bit of noise cancelation with these headphones.
With that, we are going to wrap up this video right here. Hopefully, you guys enjoyed this Tech Reviews and Gadgets episode. If you guys did, please make sure to subscribe and turn post notifications on to get updates and alerts when we do upload. If you have questions or concerns, leave a comment here. Enjoy the video, leave a like, and also share this video with anybody who may be interested in the OneOdio Pro-50 Studio Headphones. My business inquiries email can be found here.
If you want to potentially work with me, if you're a brand, business, or just someone who needs assistance with this product, you guys can send me a message through that email address. Lastly, product information, specifications, and details about the OneOdio Pro-50 Studio Headphones, all the technical stuff, can be found here along with a link to make a purchase. Hopefully, you guys enjoyed this Tech Reviews and Gadgets episode. I know I did making this video. I hope to see you guys in the next episode. This is CrewElite signing off. Thank you guys for watching, and have a good day.
With Hi-Res audio verification, Studio Pro-50 is an over-ear DJ headphone that has dynamic bass sound. The 50mm neodymium driver reproduces all the music's dynamics and delivers the controlled bass that DJs and audiophiles need.
I have reviewed numerous products in my past, and continue to do so in a more professional style. My product reviews are carefully constructed together, in which I give my full depth analysis. I usually do unboxings, demonstrations, tutorials, tests, and also give my last thoughts on the products I review. Stay tuned for more Product Reviews!
About CrewElite
I have reviewed numerous products in my past, and continue to do so in a more professional style. My product reviews are carefully constructed together, in which I give my full depth analysis. I usually do unboxings, demonstrations, tutorials, tests, and also give my last thoughts on the products I review. Stay tuned for more Product Reviews!