1:04 | Before we get started... |
2:01 | The Box |
3:04 | Unboxing |
3:56 | A closer look |
4:29 | Features |
9:42 | Demo Setup |
10:11 | Demonstration |
13:33 | Playing from USB |
15:31 | Bluetooth |
19:43 | Conclusion |
20:56 | Don't forget to subscribe ;) |
In today's episode, we have a very interesting product that we're reviewing today. This is the Phenyx Pro PTX-400 Audio Mixer soundboard system. The box is enormous. The mixer is 10 channels and has 256 DSP effects that you can change it to. You can even do an audio recording with USB, and it also has Bluetooth capabilities. There are a lot of capabilities and functionalities that this mixer has to offer.
Before we get started with this Tech Reviews and Gadgets episode, please make sure to subscribe and turn post notifications on to get updates and alerts when we do upload. If you have questions or concerns, leave a comment here. Enjoy the video, leave a like, and also share this video with anybody who may be interested in an audio mixer. Also, if you guys are interested in buying the Phenyx Pro PTX-400 Audio Mixer or getting more details about it, the information will be available here along with a link to make a purchase, if you're interested in buying this exact mixer that we're reviewing today. Let's move over to the unboxing portion of this video.
No matter what your audio mixing needs are, the Phenyx Pro PTX-400 mixing console will provide the features that can enhance your performance efficiently.
On the front of the box, it just says "The Rugged Reliable Mixing Board for Studio Music Recording, Stage, and Karaoke." We have a picture of this audio mixer on the front as well. This is the Pro PTX-400 10-Channel Audio Mixer Soundboard System with Digital USB/Bluetooth input and 256 DSP Effects. It features Studio Monitoring and USB Recording. This is from the company, Phenyx Pro. I have reviewed a few other Phenyx Pro products in the past, some different audio mixers, so if you want to check out those videos as well, I will include links in the description here. On the backside, there's information on the specifications and parameters of the product. Let's proceed with the unboxing of the mixer.
This is everything that's included with the packaging. We got the Phenyx Pro PTX-400 Audio Mixer itself wrapped up in a plastic bag. We also got an owner's manual to give you guys a lot more details on how to set up this product and how to get it up and running, all the different features and capabilities that this audio mixer has to offer. We also have our power adapter inside another bag. This power adapter is what's going to supply power to the audio mixer. All you got to do is plug it in at the back of this mixer. When I show you guys the demo, you will see what I mean. Let's take a look at what the main highlight of the review is.
Let me just tell you guys that the Phenyx Pro PTX-400 Audio Mixer definitely has quite a height to it. It's slanted so that the bottom side of the mixer is skinnier. As you go to the backside of the mixer, it starts getting taller and thicker. The width of it gets a little bit more elevated. Let me go in to explain some of the features that this mixer has.
As I mentioned earlier in this video, the Phenyx Pro PTX-400 Audio Mixer is a 10-channel mixer, so there are 10 different channels available. You got 8 standard channels, and then, you got your USB and your MP3 effects channel, so those are the 10 channels that this mixer has. There are also 256 DSP effects that you can change with this mixer. The Pro PTX-400 also offers USB recording, Bluetooth, and all those other features I mentioned earlier. Let's take a closer look at some of the features that we have.
No matter what your audio mixing needs are, the Phenyx Pro PTX-400 mixing console will provide the features that can enhance your performance efficiently.
We got 8 different channels, and this is our XLR input. You can put an XLR cable into all the different inputs. We also have our 6.35mm jack line inputs here. The Phenyx Pro PTX-400 Audio Mixer does have 48V of Phantom Power, so if you need to give a boost of power to this mixer, you do have that capability as well. This mixer also has 3 bands for the EQ, so you got the lows, the mids, and the highs. For instance, we got our gains with the red knobs on the top. We got our equalizers where we got our highs, the mids, and the lows with the 3 knobs going down. We also have our AUX and our effects, so the green is our AUX. You can increase or decrease the AUX level. We also have our effects, so this will be the leveling for the effects and all the different effects you can add or manipulate with the mixer.
Then, we have our pan balance, so you can use the orange knobs to control and configure your pan balance. The thing I like about the Phenyx Pro PTX-400 Audio Mixer is that you can add an audio boost of 26 decibels onto each of the individual channels, or you can also make it so that it can be solo. You can listen to that one solo channel, which is really awesome. Next, we have our leveling control for each individual channel, so if I wanted to increase the leveling, all I got to do is increase it. There is one for each individual channel. We have one for effects with the orange knob. This is for MP3, and the blue knob is for USB. Then, we have our left and right levering control for the main output of the audio that's going through this audio mixer.
We also have inputs for RCA cables. I don't know how many people still use those ports, but you do get that for the outputs if you want to use it. We have our EFX Send, Mon (Monitor), Control Left, Left, Return, Phone. Phones are for headphones. We have our Control Right and we also have our Right. Those are 6.35mm audio jacks or AUX inputs. It's nice to see that they implemented that. We have our main output, so we have our left balance and our right balance with this audio mixer. We also have a digital screen in the middle. Once I plug this in, the screen will light up. It'll tell you all the different effects or what mode the Phenyx Pro PTX-400 Audio Mixer is in. As I said, there are 256 DSP effects, and some of them are vocals, some of them are hall, some of them are room, mono delay, stereo delay, flange, chorus, delay, reverb, and chorus reverb.
There are a lot of different effects that you can change with this mixer. When we go out and test this out with DJ equipment, I will show you guys some of those effects. We have our USB input. This is for USB audio. You can plug in your MP3 USB stick into it. This is also for Bluetooth. I'm pretty sure this USB port is what you can use to connect this to your laptop for recording or doing studio monitoring with this audio mixer. Further down, we have our EFX Send gain knob. We have our Mon (Monitor) Send with the green knob, and then the red knob is our phone/control room Send, so you can manipulate the gain levels of those different aspects of the Phenyx Pro PTX-400 Audio Mixer. Then we have our stereo graphic equalizer.
This is a graphic equalizer that you can go in and adjust to get the audio to sound exactly the way you want it, or if you're recording audio through this mixer, you can get the audio to be as perfect as you want it to be. That's nice to see. We have our main left room and control room, so if you wanted to, you can toggle that on and off. We also have our Phantom control for our 48V of power, and then, we have the level of our output. This is an equalizer that you can see visually as the music is being outputted through this audio mixer. It gives you a visual representation of how the audio is going and if the audio is peaking. That's basically it for this mixer. There are a lot of capabilities and features that the Phenyx Pro PTX-400 Audio Mixer has. Let's move over to the testing and demonstration portion of this video.
In this part of the video, we're going to be testing out the Phenyx Pro PTX-400 Audio Mixer. I have the PTU-71 Phenyx Pro Microphone that we're going to be using so that you guys can hear me. Let's start off by playing some music, and I'm going to explain to you guys all the different features and capabilities that this audio mixer has to offer, so let me play some music.
Watch the demo from 10:09 to 13:32.
Right now, we have a few things connected to the Phenyx Pro PTX-400 Audio Mixer. On the upper right side, is our left balance and our right balance. This is what's being outputted to the speakers. On our channels, we're using 3 different channels. We have our channel 1, channel 2, and channel 3. With channels 1 and 2, that is our audio that's coming from the DJ control going to the mixer. Channel 3 is the microphone that I'm utilizing right now. Let's just listen to the music a little bit. I'm turning it up a little bit. I haven't manipulated any of the settings yet on this mixer. This is the mixer raw. So far, the audio quality of the music coming from this mixer is pretty presentable. I don't hear a lot of static noise or anything, so that's a good sign so far with this mixer. Let's take a look at our gain.
No matter what your audio mixing needs are, the Phenyx Pro PTX-400 mixing console will provide the features that can enhance your performance efficiently.
This is if you want to manipulate your audio, which is now becoming a lot louder. Of course, I can take it down, the same thing with my microphone. Right now, I'm very loud. Let's take that back down. And then, with our white knobs, that is our equalizer settings. We got our high, our mids, and our lows. I'm going to increase the highs now, so the music quality is going to get a lot more high-pitched, a lot more clear. You won't hear a lot of the bass too much. Now let's take that back down. Let's take a look at the mids now. The mids are a lot more boosted now. You can tell there's a difference with the audio of the song. Let's take a look at the lows, and this is going to really intensify the bass of this song. Wow, that is very bass-heavy. Let's take that back. The green knobs on the Phenyx Pro PTX-400 Audio Mixer are AUX knob controls.
The yellow knobs are FX Send or EFX Send, so grand effects manipulated, or if we had one of those DSP effects being used, we would hear and be able to manipulate it with those yellow knobs. We also have our pan balance, so if I shift it to the left, depending on how you set up your speakers and your music, the music may shift to one side depending on how you set it all up. Let me find another song here, so we can continue talking about this audio mixer. We have that stereo graphic equalizer on the side, so if I wanted to, I can manipulate this, and it's going to manipulate all the different channels. Let's try this out. The audio sounds really bad now, but you got to fine-tune it to the way you want it through the Phenyx Pro PTX-400 Audio Mixer. It's something that you have to take some time manipulating before you get it the way you want it. I'm not going to mess with that too much.
Watch the USB demo from 13:33 to 15:26.
Now, I have this USB stick we are going to test out just to see how the audio playback is with a USB flash drive. I'm going to plug this in. Do keep in mind that with the Phoenix Pro PTX-400 Audio Mixer, with the USB port, you can also connect this to your computer to do audio monitoring, or you can use this for FL Studio or other music creation platforms, so there's a lot of capabilities. Okay, let's hear this song. This is coming from the USB stick. The menu is really easy to manipulate, change, and go through. If I wanted to, I can go to the next song by clicking the button, and now it's going to play a different song. If I continue, it's just going to play different songs. Now, this is a completely different song. I'm pretty sure, if I push down, it might stop. There we go. It paused. If I push down again, it plays the song.
It looks like in the middle of this Phenyx Pro PTX-400 Audio Mixer, we do also have a mode button, so if you click on this, this is going to change it to all the different modes. We got Bluetooth, so this would be when you go over to your phone, connect to this audio mixer, and then you play your songs via Bluetooth. If you click on the mode button again, you also have a record button, so if you wanted to, you can start recording whatever the audio mixer was capturing to a USB device. Just having that USB capability is going to be a lifesaver, because even with this DJ control, I don't need to plug a laptop into it. It has USB ports. I love that they implemented that feature onto the mixer itself as well. Let me pause this music, so I can go over to my phone. I'm going to connect the Bluetooth to this audio mixer.
Watch the Bluetooth demo from 15:31 to 19:08.
The first thing that we need to do is switch to Bluetooth, so click on that mode button, and this should take you into the Bluetooth menu for this mixer. Now, you go over to any device such as your phone, your tablet, or the computer laptop that you may have, and you connect the Bluetooth. I'm going to go in and connect to the Bluetooth. This is the Bluetooth. This is playing directly off my phone right now. I'm playing this off my phone. It's not bad at all. Before we wrap up this video, we're going to take a closer look at some of the DSP effects that you can add and manipulate to all your various different channels with this audio mixer, because the Phenyx Pro PTX-400 Audio Mixer has 256 different DSP effects that you can apply to all your various different channels.
We're going to take a closer look at one, and now I have an echo effect with my voice. We're going to just cycle up a little bit. It's very interesting. There's just a wide range of different effects you can apply with this audio mixer, so definitely take a look at it if you do get this audio mixer because there are a lot of things you can manipulate and change with the Phenyx Pro PTX-400 Audio Mixer. Like I mentioned, if you guys want a longer comprehensive review, will we take a closer look at some of these different aspects, let me know in the comments here, and I'll definitely bring up a video like that. Right now, let's move over to the final thoughts and remarks to end this video.
Here are my final opinions and remarks about the Phenyx Pro PTX-400 Audio Mixer and soundboard system. Well, it has a lot of capabilities and features to bring to the table if you do any podcasting. If you do anything audio-related, such as DJing or monitoring a lot of audio channels all at the same time, this would be a great mixer for it because you can have control of every little aspect. If I wanted to increase the highs, the lows, the mids, if I wanted to decrease the leveling or add some more power to those individual channels, I can do that with this audio mixer. We also got that stereo graphic equalizer that you can easily manipulate and change on the fly with this audio mixer. You also got Bluetooth and MP3 control, and you can also record and do so much. There's also a bunch of effects you can have. This mixer has almost anything and everything you will need to get your audio edited on the spot. It's what I'm trying to say. You can manipulate your audio in real-time with this audio mixer.
With that, we're all going to conclude the video right here. Hopefully, you guys enjoyed this Tech Reviews and Gadgets episode. If you guys did, please make sure to subscribe and turn post notifications on to get updates and alerts when we do upload. If you have questions or concerns, leave a comment here. Enjoy the video, leave a like, and also share this video with anybody who may be interested in an audio mixer or soundboard system. Also, if you're a business or a company wanting to potentially work with me, my business inquiries email can be found here. You guys can shoot me a message if you want to potentially work with me or if you want to get any further assistance with this product. You guys can do so by contacting me through my business inquiries email.
Lastly, if you guys want to check out the Phenyx Pro PTX-400 Audio Mixer or get more details and specifications about this audio mixer, the information and details will be available here along with a link to make a purchase if you're interested in buying this audio mixer. I will also include links of all the Phenyx Pro products I reviewed in the past, so you guys can get a comparison, and if you're interested in me bringing all three of the audio mixers I have reviewed from them, just let me know in the comments, so I can do a mega video where we just compare and contrast all the different audio mixers that I have from Phenyx Pro. Hopefully, you guys enjoyed this Tech Reviews and Gadgets episode. I know I did making it, and I'll see you guys on the next episode. This is CrewElite signing off. Thank you for watching, and have a good day.
No matter what your audio mixing needs are, the Phenyx Pro PTX-400 mixing console will provide the features that can enhance your performance efficiently.
I have reviewed numerous products in my past, and continue to do so in a more professional style. My product reviews are carefully constructed together, in which I give my full depth analysis. I usually do unboxings, demonstrations, tutorials, tests, and also give my last thoughts on the products I review. Stay tuned for more Product Reviews!
About CrewElite
I have reviewed numerous products in my past, and continue to do so in a more professional style. My product reviews are carefully constructed together, in which I give my full depth analysis. I usually do unboxings, demonstrations, tutorials, tests, and also give my last thoughts on the products I review. Stay tuned for more Product Reviews!