1:52 | Something Surprising |
2:37 | PLM vs. Non-PLM |
7:29 | Image quality, focusing speed, & other fun stuff |
11:06 | Autofocus Speed Test |
12:24 | Stay tuned for part 2 |
The people have spoken, and it seems the most popular thing that everybody wants to see first is the HD DA 55-300 lens comparison, so I'm going to get right on that as soon as I get back, so I can grab the lenses, do my thing, go over the design differences between the two lenses because after thinking about it, I realized that there's more to these two lenses than just one's newer with a different focus system than the other. They are literally completely different lenses, so one may be an advantage for some people whereas the PLM may not be an advantage for some other people. I'm going to get into that and look at the image quality comparisons corner-to-corner sharpness, all that fun stuff and of course the bokeh.
Let's get into the actual design of the lens. I was surprised. I took a look at my kit 18-55 WR, and I noticed that they are the exact same design philosophy if you take a good look at it. You've got the focus ring up at the top with focus distance markings. It's the same thing with the non-PLM 55-300 except this has a much longer focused throw. You also have the same grip for when you're mounting the lens onto the camera.
This lens uses the latest HD (high definition) coating and a drip-proof construction to enable shooting from the medium telephoto and super telephoto ranges.
A compact telephoto zoom lens, providing enhanced AF performance and a minimum focusing distance of 0.95 meters.
Let's take a look at the differences between the PLM and the non-PLM. With the PLM retracted, There is a significant difference in regards to the size. The PLM is about the same size just shy of the size of the kit lens when it's completely retracted. It's pretty incredible. You'll start to notice some significant differences right away such as the grip area and the focus ring. The focus ring is closest to the camera body and completely electronic, so it never stops. It just continues on and on. It just doesn't stop because it's completely electronic. Whereas if you're focusing with the other one, it obviously has an end, so those are some pretty significant differences. However, this obviously does extend as you're focusing and it's pretty long when it's all the way focused out or zoomed out.
However, the PLM is longer when it's zoomed all the way out, it actually is longer. This is where I found this to be pretty interesting. The difference between the two hoods is actually pretty significant as well. One is narrower and longer, while the other one is wider and shorter. Another thing is when the non-PLM is completely retracted and the PLM is extended, they are pretty much the exact same size. That's pretty interesting. In regards to handling, that's the iffy thing because as you know that holding the camera properly, you've got complete grip on the lens, and you've got control of the focus while you're still supporting the lens. This is with the non-PLM, and again, you have the focus distance markings.
Now it's completely and utterly different if we mount the PLM onto the body, you'll notice that now, you have a much narrower area to support the lens for the zoom range, and the focus ring is right up against the body of the camera, so it's not as stable as you would want it to be. You can use your pinky because the focus ring itself is pretty lightweight because it's all electronic. However, supporting the camera properly, you're already at the very end of the zoom ring. It is a completely different design philosophy. I'm not sure if I entirely agree with how they did it, but if you just leave everything as autofocus, it's an absolutely phenomenal lens, which we're going to get into right now in regards to the image quality, focusing speed, and all that other fun stuff.
All right, so first up we've got the HD DA 55-300 f/4-5.8, and I'm going to be taking a shot of a basketball net here in my front yard. There should be a good amount of separation from the house in the background and all the detail from the rope and everything that's in the actual basketball mesh, plus the contrast of the rim being black versus the highlights and everything to check for any chromatic aberrations, fringing, anything like that. That should be a good test.
This lens uses the latest HD (high definition) coating and a drip-proof construction to enable shooting from the medium telephoto and super telephoto ranges.
A compact telephoto zoom lens, providing enhanced AF performance and a minimum focusing distance of 0.95 meters.
First up, let's see how the non-PLM does here, and you'll also hear it focusing as well, which will be interesting. First, let's go with 55 and I turned all the corrections off, and I'm leaving it at the native aperture as you zoom. Alright, so f/4 at the white end and then zoomed all the way in f/5.8. It's going to be an absolute direct comparison between the two lenses, so let's start off taking a couple of shots here. Now, let's go to 100. I'm still at f/4 at 100. Let's go to 200, and that is actually at 5.6. Let's go to 300, and that's at 5.8. Now let's switch over to the PLM and see how that goes.
All right, we're doing the same thing. We're at 4.5. Let me defocus. Now let's go to 100. We're at 4.5. Let's go to 200 at 5.6, and 300, we are at 6.3. Let's get these into an editor and see how they compare.
Before we throw this in an editor, I should have done an autofocus speed test. I'm doing this in live view, completely defocused. I'm starting first with the PLM, and this is in live view. Now, I'm going to switch to the non-PLM to see how remarkable of a difference the autofocus speed actually is. The non-PLM is slower at acquiring focus compared to the other one. The PLM is lightning quick. Alright, so let's throw these into an editor and get on with it.
Truthfully, I wasn't expecting to go over that much material, a 12+ minute video, so I am going to have to split this into two. The image comparison will be in the next upload, so this is more of a design and handling type of video in regards to the lens comparison. The next upload I do will be the actual image comparison between the two flavors of the 55, 300 HDAS. I do apologize. I was trying to get it all in one video, but the designs are so different and after going through everything, it does take some time, but yeah, that's pretty much it for this one. Stay tuned for part two. That's it for me. You guys will see me on my next video. I'm out.
This lens uses the latest HD (high definition) coating and a drip-proof construction to enable shooting from the medium telephoto and super telephoto ranges.
A compact telephoto zoom lens, providing enhanced AF performance and a minimum focusing distance of 0.95 meters.
I'm a Greater Toronto Ontario Canada Region Photographer and I created this channel as a way to give back to photography by helping others through my knowledge and experience. Although the photography equipment in my channel focuses on the Pentax brand, there is still general knowledge within my channel for all budding photographers.
About Kobie M-C
I'm a Greater Toronto Ontario Canada Region Photographer and I created this channel as a way to give back to photography by helping others through my knowledge and experience. Although the photography equipment in my channel focuses on the Pentax brand, there is still general knowledge within my channel for all budding photographers.