0:32 | Mink PH Packaging |
1:25 | prettits review |
2:40 | prettits before and after |
3:53 | I am booty-ful + peek-ini |
5:36 | I am booty-ful + peek-ini before and after |
8:15 | bring knee to life |
8:44 | bring knee to life before and after |
10:27 | happy nippy |
11:19 | Don't forget to subscribe ;) |
Maayong Adlaw! My name is Raine, and welcome back to my channel. It's the end of March 2021, and as promised, here is my month-long review of Mink PH's entire line. I tested these out the whole month of March, and now I have my thoughts to share. This video is divided into chapters. If you want to skip to the product that you are most interested about, scroll down to it.
Let's talk about the packaging first.
As I've mentioned in my previous video, I do enjoy their packaging. We had some spillage on prettits, but, that hasn't happened again. Although, the rim, is discolored just like the lid. It doesn't change the product in any way so that's fine. Also, these bottles may not look like glass, but they are glass. They just have a matte coating, but some parts have chipped off. We do have a little bit of chippage here and there, but nothing that's very alarming.
They're not very big. Maybe there was just some sort of inconsistency with the coating. They still look really pretty. They still feel nice. It's a matte, texture finish. They did mention that you can just peel the labels off cleanly so you can reuse the glass bottles for other things.
Now onto the product review starting with prettits. I didn't expect that I would love it as much as I do, because for one, this was made for people with chest acne. I don't have chest acne, so I ended up using this on my armpits. Amazingly, the product did help lighten up my armpits.
They never mentioned that prettits was capable of this, but I can't deny the results. If you want to see how I lightened my armpits with prettits, I have a separate video about that. I don't have body acne, so I don't know how well this will work on that.
Although, I have seen people with chest acne take before-and-after pictures with this, and now their chests look great. So, it works for them, and it works for my armpits. That was totally unexpected, but a much appreciated outcome. This product is not scented. It just smells like a mask I guess. It smells like skincare. It's not a particularly pleasant smell, but it's not a bad smell either. To me, it smells like baby powder. Not surprisingly, it has talcum powder listed as one of its ingredients.
Let's now talk about my before-and-after photos. Actually, I have this on my previous video, but I don't have a more recent picture of my armpits. But, this is how my armpits used to look like. It's dark, but I am morena, so I never really expected that there would be an improvement.
And with this next one, apologies for the hairy armpit. I didn't shave that day. But, you can clearly see a difference. This upper area over here is not so dark anymore, which is amazing.
And the next bit again, it's even lighter than how it was before, so I was pretty excited about that. This is just from my previous video. It has since been more than eight sessions now, and I am continuing to see better results.
I'm pretty excited about prettits. If you want to see that full video again, the link is over here. There, you'll find tips for other products as well. I recommend this for people with chest acne and for people with discolored armpits. It worked for me, and I really hope that it works for you as well.
Rock your rack with Prettits, our ultra-powerful mask that gets rid of bumps, acne, and debris, leaving you with skin as soft as jello and just as fun to touch.Helps remove chest bumps, debris, and acne but still keeping it nourished and moisturized.
Okay, the next product is, I am booty-ful. This one was an instant favorite on my last video because it smells so nice (and it's also pink). Even though I've been using this product three times a week consistently, I didn't use a lot of it. There's still a lot of it left, so this will last me quite a while, which I'm so excited about.
What this product claims to do is to smoothen the butt, and I feel like it did. I used to have a very, very rough butt, but now I only have a slightly rough butt. It's not as rough as it used to be before, but it's still not at the level where I want it to be, where it's totally smooth. Again, it's only been a month, and I've been only using this three times a week as advised in the instructions on the label.
This one feels good. It is rough, but it's not incredibly rough that it's painful. I've never felt like my butt was ever irritated. The salt particles do dissolve quite easily. It will melt within two minutes after applying it.
I actually used this together with my peek-ini. Initially, when the month started, I only used this once a week because the instructions at the back stated, use once a week, then progress to twice a week. And then apparently, you can progress further until you start using it every day. And then once you start peeling, you stop for a week or so, and then you resume starting with once a week again, twice a week, and then, so on and so forth. I used peek-ini on the bikini area as well as the butt area.
In this collage, I didn't color-correction on any of the photos. This is just how they looked when I took the shots with my camera. It's kind of hard to judge because the colors are all different especially on this third photo where my butt looks like a zombie's butt, while my skin does not look like that at all. For some reason, that's how the pictures turned out. This is when I decided to apply color-correction on the photos so that they would match. However, it's not that perfect.
For this first photo, this was 2 weeks (I think) before I started using Mink. As you can tell, my butt was super-duper bumpy.
This was only after 4 sessions. I haven't applied peek-ini yet in this picture, and I am certain that you can clearly see the difference. It's still bumpy, however, not as much as before, but it's still darker. No peek-ini yet here, just I Am Booty-ful.
Moving on, I have been using peek-ini three times a week in this third photo. As you can see, this upper part is not as dark anymore. But, I also noticed that maybe it's also because of the color-correction or maybe not, but there is some reddening developing in that area. I swear that I didn't add any more reds in this photo. I just warmed up the picture.
You can see a little bit of a redness developing down there, but it was never painful. It never stung. I saw a post where a girl started peeling within a week or within the second week of using peek-ini. I personally have not yet experienced that.
Anyway, here we have the 10th session. I've been using this for more than 10 sessions now, but this is my latest butt photo. So here we are, it's again, still rough, as you can tell, but it is definitely less obvious than before. I can see progress enough to still want to keep using this. Peek-ini, came through. That dark area is no longer visible in my latest picture. I still see a little bit of darkness up here, but it's not visible down here, which I am super excited about.
I'm going to keep using this. Also, I can see a difference around my bikini area. It's not yet at the point that it's very even on my bikini area, but I can see a difference. I can see that it's working. I am really happy about these two products so far.
This fruity scrub will make your booty so cute it can dethrone the peach emoji as everybody’s favorite butt reference. Say goodbye to butt acne with I Am Bootyful!Helps smoothen bumps and butt acne, exfoliates dead skin cells caused by too much friction from garments and undergarments, making it brighter and plumper.
Never apologize for showing off your cheeky side! Here to push you further is this powerful serum designed to even out any discoloration you’ve got down south!Helps remove dead skin cells around the inner thigh and butt cheeks caused by too much friction from garments and undergarments. Focuses on discolorations and dark spots to even out skin tone.
The next product is "bring knee to life." I use this product the most because you're supposed to use it twice a day. Although, in the last 1 or 2 weeks of this month (I think), I have not been using it regulary. It's more like every other day. It's not because I had a bad reaction. It's just because I tend to forget, but that's okay. We're still going to see how this looks like now.
In this first photo, this was a few weeks before I started using "bring knee to life." Look at my dark knees. I didn't think it was that bad because I'm morena so you just kind of expect that.
And then, this one was taken after around 10 days of using "bring knee to life." There is a bit of a difference. It's not so stark, but there is a difference.
And then, this is what it looks like today. As you can see, there is an improvement. It did get lighter, which I'm happy about.
Although you can't tell from this photo, some of the bumps went away here. I have little bumps around my body, but they're not there anymore. I had white spots on my knees, but some of those disappeared as well. They're not as prominent as they were before. You can't tell from this photo because it's not a close-up.
These are my elbows. You're also supposed to use this product on your elbows. However, I haven't used "bring knee to life" yet on this first one. You can see the bumps. You can see the discoloration. You can also see, prominently, that my elbows were really dry.
This one is me using "bring knee to life" for around 10 days. I have lesser bumps, but they're still there. There is somewhat of a difference on the coloring, but not that intense.
This is today. In this last photo, you will notice even lesser bumps. As you can tell, there are not as many bumps anymore, but it's still pretty dark. I think there's a very slight difference in terms of the color, but it's very slight. It's not as apparent as my knees.
Calling your name to save you from dark elbows and knees is Bring Knee to Life! Its woke AF formula will give you the ultimate freedom to wear anything you want with oozing confidence.Helps even out the skin tone on knees and elbows.
Now, we are moving on to the last product, which is the happy nippy. I never really felt the need to make my nipples pinker, but here we are.
Again, like the bring me to life, I rarely used this product the past few weeks because I tend to forget, but that's okay. I am still able to use it at least four times a week, or four times a week to a daily basis. You're supposed to use this everyday on your nips.
I don't really see the difference if I'm going to be blunt. I don't know. Maybe it's for people who are lighter skinned, but it is a little bit fun to use. I don't really see a big difference on this one. If there's one product that I will stop using, it's probably this. If you have been using happy nippy and you have pinker nipples now, do let me know.
If nipples could smile, then this serum would be the reason why. Puff out that chest knowing that the power of pink is with you!Helps brighten and moisturize nipples.
I've decided that once I completely empty the contents of these bottles, I'll make an updated video on how well they worked because a month is only a month. I still have a lot. I still have a months' worth of products to use. If you want to see an updated video after I actually finish using what's left, please stay subscribed to my channel, and then I will see you guys when that happens. Bye!
About raine co