0:50 | Unboxing |
2:06 | Inside the case |
3:20 | Prices |
5:38 | Main Differences |
7:59 | Parental Controls |
9:33 | Educational Goal Setting |
10:03 | Other Settings |
10:56 | Content on Amazon Kids Plus |
11:12 | Tablet Performance |
11:56 | Summary |
13:13 | Don't forget to subscribe ;) |
When it comes to kids tablets, Amazon Fire Kids tablets are hard to beat. From parental controls to the two-year worry-free guarantee that they come with, these tablets are designed with children in mind. But Amazon did something a little different this year. They made two versions of their all-new Fire HD 10 Kids tablet. There's a standard version, the regular version that we're used to, but now, there's a Fire HD 10 Kids Pro tablet. Well, I have the Pro version here, so let's talk about it. Let's see what the difference between the Pro version and the standard Kids Edition tablets are, and let's see if the Pro version might be right for your child. This is tech for parents.
This is the Amazon Fire HD 10 Kids Pro tablet. Yes, it's a long name. You can find it on Amazon for about $200 (prices can change). Let's start with the unboxing, and let's see what you get inside the box. It comes with a typical Amazon Fire tablet orange box that we're used to. Inside the box, we have the Fire HD 10 tablet, and it's already inside the slim kid-proof case that it comes with. This is the intergalactic color case, which has kind of a space themed picture on the back. You can also get it in a purple doodle case, a black case, and a sky blue case. The tablet itself is black. There's no different colors when it comes to the tablet.
A durable, kid-safe tablet that comes with parental controls and impressive performance that's perfect for kids.
The case has a built-in kickstand, which is always great to have, especially for children, and the kickstand on this slim Kids Pro case feels a lot sturdier and easier to open up than the previous Fire Kids tablet cases. Of course, you have the Amazon logo on the back, and this case is definitely slimmer than the regular Fire Kids Edition tablet cases. It's definitely not going to take a fall as good as the other cases would. Inside the box, you also get a 9-watt charging brick, as well as a USB Type C to USB Type A cable, and an instruction manual. That's really everything you get inside the box of the Amazon Fire HD 10 Kids Pro tablet.
Now, inside the case is just a regular Amazon Fire HD 10 Kids Pro tablet. This is the 2021 version, which has one more gig of RAM, slightly brighter display, and a slightly different design when compared to the previous 2019 version of the Fire HD 10. The bezels on the display are slightly smaller and uniform all the way around. It just looks like a more modern tablet than the previous version. You have two speakers up front, and this is really pretty much a generic plastic tablet. Nothing special about it, no metal or glass on the back, which is actually just fine for a kid's tablet. That's kind of what you want.
If we put the tablet back inside the case, we can see that the front has those slots so that the sound from the speakers come straight at you. It kind of projects that audio to you instead of to the sides, which is nice to have. On the right hand side, we have the volume up and down buttons, a power button, a couple of openings for the mics, a USB Type C charging port, and a headphone jack. Now, in reality, this tablet is just a 2020 Fire HD 10 tablet. Let's talk about what you get with the Kids Edition, what the differences between the regular and the Pro versions are, and hopefully, this will help you decide if these Kids Edition tablets are something right for your child.
Note: All prices mentioned here can change.
Amazon sells the all-new Fire HD 10 tablet for about $150, but that's the ad supported version, which means Amazon will throw ads onto your lock screen. There's also an ad free version, which costs about $165, so $15 more, and that's the version that comes with the Fire HD 10 Kids Tablet Pro version and the regular standard version as well. It's the ad free version with 32GB of storage. That's the tablet you're getting with this Kids Edition package.
A durable, kid-safe tablet that comes with parental controls and impressive performance that's perfect for kids.
With the Kids Edition, you also get a kids-proof case like this one we have here, a two-year worry-free guarantee, which is kind of like an insurance plan so that if your child happens to break your Amazon Fire HD 10 Kids Pro tablet, you can return it to Amazon and get a replacement tablet for your child. You also get one year of Amazon Kids Plus, which used to be called Free Time Unlimited. Amazon changed it to Amazon Kids Plus now, and it's loaded with kid appropriate content that you can filter between age ranges.
Amazon says there's over 20,000 apps, games, videos, books, and educational content inside this application, so you get one year of that Amazon Kids Plus, which normally costs about $99 for a non-prime member and about $69 a year for prime members. That's really why these Amazon Fire HD 10 Kids Pro tablets are such a good value. You get the Fire HD 10 tablet, which costs already by itself about $165 and a case, which normally costs about $35 if you were to buy it separately. You also get Amazon's two-year worry-free guarantee, which a similar plan costs about $25 and one year of Amazon Kids Plus, which can cost you up to about $100.
You get all of those things for only about $200, so you can really see the value. It's almost like not worth getting the regular tablet. It's better to pay an extra $35 and get all these things that come with the Amazon Fire HD 10 Kids Pro tablets because you still get the tablet itself. If you want to use it like a regular Fire tablet, you can, but you also have all these add-ons for children, so if you ever want to hand this over to your child, let's say this tablet is for you and you just want to give it to your child whenever they want to use it, you can just slap on this case and you have that protection on it as well, so it's a no-brainer to go with these Kids Edition packages that Amazon sells.
Now, what's the difference between the Fire HD 10 Kids, the regular version, and the Fire HD Ten Kids Pro version, which I have here? Well, they both cost $200. You're getting the same tablet. But really the main difference is one is designed for younger children and the other one is designed for older children. Amazon says that the regular Fire Kids tablet is for ages 3 to 7 and the Pro version is for kids 6 to 12.
A durable, kid-safe tablet that comes with parental controls and impressive performance that's perfect for kids.
Amazon says that the Amazon Fire HD 10 Kids Pro tablet has content for kids ages 6 to 12. Now, in my testing, I was able to change the age limit so that the content inside Amazon Kids Plus was for children younger than seven, so I'm not really sure why Amazon says that the content inside this tablet is for children in a specific age range when you can easily go into the settings and change it and have it for younger children as well.
But the differences, I did notice, when it came to the standard and the Amazon Fire HD 10 Kids Pro tablet is, first off, the case, this is a slimmer case. It's a nicer looking case. It has a design that maybe older children would appreciate, and I think they would appreciate just a better looking case than the thick, safer case that the regular Kids version gets.
Now, the second difference is the UI, the user interface for the Amazon Fire HD 10 Kids Pro tablet, it looks like it's designed for older kids. It looks just nicer and more modern. It looks more like the Fire OS user interface and not so much like the Kids UI that the other Kids tablets from previous years or even the current versions have now, which I assume older kids would appreciate. The Kids Pro version also has an app store inside the user interface where the kids can browse apps and games, and they can request approval to download those applications or purchase a game from their parents.
And finally, the last thing that I noticed that's different between the Amazon Fire HD 10 Kids Pro tablet and the standard Kids Edition tablet is that the browser is just a little bit more open. It still has filters to protect your child, and you as a parent can add more restrictions, but instead of coming with just a handful of sites to go to like the other Kids Edition tablets have, this one gives you a little bit more freedom. It gives a child a little bit more freedom to search websites that are still appropriate for them, but they're not just restricted to a certain amount or a list specifically for children. So, yeah, all these things, I think an older child, or as Amazon puts it, school-age kids would appreciate.
Now the Amazon Fire HD 10 Kids Pro tablet still has all those parental controls that you as a parent would like to have for your child's tablet. When you first start up the device, it's going to have you sign in to your Amazon account. If you don't have an Amazon account, you're going to need to create one. You don't need to have Amazon Prime or Pay for Amazon Prime membership to use this tablet, but you will need an Amazon account. After that, you'll go ahead and activate the Amazon Kids Plus membership, create a parental Pin or password, and then create a profile for your child. Once that's complete, you can easily go into your child's profile either on the lock screen or at the notification shade.
A durable, kid-safe tablet that comes with parental controls and impressive performance that's perfect for kids.
If you want to go back into your profile, the adult profile, you can go to the profiles at the notification shade, enter the pin you created, and you're back in the regular Fire tablet interface. Here you can do anything you would do on a regular Fire tablet, so you can pretty much use the Amazon Fire HD 10 Kids Pro tablet as a regular Fire tablet. If you go to the Amazon Kids app, you can change any of the parental controls. When you go into the settings for your child's profile, you can set daily goals and time limits.
So for example, if you want to set a bedtime, so that your child can't use the Amazon Fire HD 10 Kids Pro tablet during that time when they're supposed to be sleeping, you can go into the settings and set that bedtime for them so they won't be able to use this tablet during those hours of the day. You can also set a total screen time limit. So for example, let's say you want just 3 hours for your child. That's the amount of time that they can use their tablet in one day. Once they reach those 3 hours, they won't be able to use a tablet anymore unless you enter your parental pin, enter your password, or until the next day when that time limit resets.
There's also this educational goal setting where you can enter an amount of time you want your child spending on educational activities. For example, maybe you want them reading for 1 hour a day or watching educational videos for at least 1 hour in one day. It will keep track of all those goals and you can even select the "Learn First" option which will block off all the other applications until your child meets those educational goals, which I thought is actually a really cool and smart feature that Amazon built in to the Amazon Kids application on the Amazon Fire HD 10 Kids Pro tablet as well.
Some other settings found in the app are "age filters" where you can put the age range of your child so they can only see content suitable for their age group. You can also go to "add content" where you can add apps, videos, games, and more to your child's profile and give them access to it. For example, maybe you want to allow them to use Disney Plus or Play Roblox on the Amazon Fire HD 10 Kids Pro tablet while they're inside their profile. You can add it here and they'll have access to those applications. If you scroll down more, you have the ability to restrict your child's web browser. You can limit or restrict certain content or even view your child's web history.
A durable, kid-safe tablet that comes with parental controls and impressive performance that's perfect for kids.
There's a lot of cool features built into these parental controls, and honestly, I would take the time. If you're planning on buying this tablet, I would go through all of these settings, all of these features to understand what each one does. That way, you can tailor it to your child and make sure that what they're doing on their Amazon Fire HD 10 Kids Pro tablet, they're safe and they're not seeing things that they shouldn't. Once that's all done, you can select their profile and your kids are ready to go.
Amazon Kids Plus has a lot of content available. You have games, books, videos, and TV shows. Your child even has the ability to make video or audio calls using the Amazon Fire HD 10 Kids Pro tablet to approved contacts only, which is also really cool that Amazon built this in to the tablet as well.
The Amazon Fire HD 10 Kids Pro tablet performs really well. Your child is not going to have any problems playing games or watching videos. Pretty much anything your child does on this tablet, it's going to perform great at. Amazon says you can get up to 12 hours of battery life, so it does have pretty good battery life I would say for a budget tablet. It performs good when it comes to battery life as well. It comes with a 10.1 inch 1920 X 1200 resolution display. It's a really nice display. It gets very bright and with the dual speakers, this is actually really nice to watch content with. Now, the audio does kind of sound muffled at loud volumes, but the speakers do get very loud, and if you prefer to have maybe a quiet environment, you can connect some headphones to the headphone jack and your child can listen that way.
In the end, the Amazon Fire HD 10 Kids Pro tablet has everything you're going to want from a kid's tablet. It's inexpensive, and that's a good thing because let's face it, kids break things. Even if they do, you can send it to Amazon and get a free replacement, which is always nice to have. You're going to have plenty of content for your child, but keep in mind, you're not going to find Google applications on here like YouTube and YouTube Kids since Amazon wants you to use the Amazon App Store and not the Google Play Store, those applications aren't going to be found here. Now, there's some third-party web based applications that actually work pretty well, and they can work as a YouTube Kids replacement.
It's not the end of the world that those applications aren't on here because you can still have access to that content. But it would have been nice to have the official application, but I guess it's better than nothing. Other than that, this tablet is great, and I definitely recommend, if you're looking to get your child a tablet, definitely go with the Amazon Fire HD 10 Kids Pro tablet, especially the Fire HD 10. This one performs really well, has a nice bright display and especially if it's for an older child, this is a good option. It's going to help them with school and their educational. It's an all-around great tablet, and you have those parental controls built in to monitor what your child is doing and keep them safe from things on the Internet.
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A durable, kid-safe tablet that comes with parental controls and impressive performance that's perfect for kids.
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