Go beyond the "link in the description". Turn your videos into stunning articles, publish them on QualiTube, add images, conversion links, and post-video actions on your terms.
Maximize the full potential of your content.
If you publish product reviews on Youtube, you know it can be suffocating. The affiliate link is buried in the video description barely every clicked, and on the right hand side your viewers are bombarded with competitor content and cat videos.
Bounce rate is high, conversion rate is low. 😒
We offer a video publishing service that prioritizes the creator. Publish your videos on QualiTube and take advantage of our amazing features to better engage with your audience.
You probably already have a video script anyway, so you may as well use it for maximum SEO power. Your video's script is your intellectual property. Leverage it - by publishing it with your evideo you allow search engines to index it, which generates more traffic. It’s a win win!
Anchors help viewers know what text corresponds to what timestamp in the video. So now your audience can both read and watch your videos simultaneously, switching between the two and increasing engagement.
Whether it's a big button to amazon, a link to your merch store, or a patreon link, conversion links are essential. With Qualitube you can place multiple affiliate links throughout your video, as well as a 'floating' affiliate link at the top and configurable links at the end. This will no-doubt increase clicks, and therefore, your earnings!
On top of good old likes and comments, we make it easier to host giveaways, promote email or social subscriptions boxes, and advertise Patreon and other promotions. Do this through putting buttons simply in the body of the video, or at the end of the video on Qualitube.
Turn your videos into fascinating articles with our simple video article editor. With this, you can make your channel into an awesome web resource.
Have an idea? Hop on the call with our team. There's nothing we value more than feedback from creators, like you. We're not here to make you dance around a confusing algorithm - we're here to give you the tools you need to increase your engagement and earnings. Simple.
Sign up for QualiTube, create your first video review today and start earning!